Privacy Policy
1. General Provisions

These Privacy Policy is a legally binding document, which constitutes an integral part of the Terms of Use of Our App, Site or Game, and aimed to regulate relationships between Owners and Users of Our App, Site or Game and contains the scope of confidential information, the methods for its collection, storage, processing, disclosure, analysis, ensuring security during the use of Our App, Site or Game.
It is strongly recommended for Users to read carefully the following conditions before they start usage of mobile application, as well as its content, or other related products. By using the mentioned products, you acknowledge your consent to use mobile application in accordance with these terms. If Users do not accept fully or partially the terms of present Privacy Policy, they should terminate or not to start the usage of mobile application.

2. The scope and types of confidential information

The confidential information that is collected, stored or processed while using Our App, Site or Game includes the following types of information:
Contact Information: This includes, in particular: mobile phone numbers, name and surname of User, email address, i.e. information by means of which User can identify himself as authorized User of Our App, Site or Game, as well as authorisation data/information in order to access social networks, third party mobile applications, services and other software - in case of connection to/exploitation of its functionality.
User Information: This includes, in particular: any information in any format that is generated and uploaded directly by User, shared, received, distributed in any form by User while using Our App, Site or Game, as well as information about the User himself.
Third party Materials: This includes, in particular: data/information, products, content, intellectual property created, published or otherwise accumulated from third parties, other than User and / or Owner.
User Account Information: This includes, in particular: information which is received / collected, in particular - about IP addresses, device types, which are used for running Our App, Site or Game, time and frequency of installations, visits, geo-location of Users and devices, metadata, comments, ratings, feedback posted by Users, received from other users / content of third parties.

3. Purposes for the collection of confidential information

Collection of information is necessary in order to enable the following:
Registration and authorization;
Performance of User's tasks;
Detecting, investigating, and combating fraud, non-permitted access or any other kind of illegal activity in relation to the Our App, Site or Game;
Ensuring technical support for Users of Our App, Site or Game;
Administration of mobile applications;
Ensuring compliance with the Terms of Use of Our App, Site or Game;
Analytics of accumulated, deconfidentialized and anonymized information in order to improve and optimize the quality of service, which results will be used to optimize Our App, Site or Game functionality and improve the service provided.
With respect to above mentioned Owner agrees to obtain a full and explicit User consent for the collection and processing of mentioned data/information/information.
By registering with Our App, Site or Game, as well as actual using of Our App, Site or Game and setting tasks via Our App, Site or Game, including tasks for data/information sharing, User expresses his full and explicit consent for the collection and processing of mentioned confidential data/information.
By accepting this Privacy Policy, User acknowledges and agrees that the data/information listed above will be collected, processed and stored on the Owner's servers. The collection, storage, processing, or any use of the information for purposes other than the purposes specified in this Agreement, is strictly prohibited. No one may distribute, publish or otherwise exploit User information in any way, which violates or potentially violates the rights of third parties, or other Users.

4. The moment of data/information collection

The owner of the application collects information when:
User registers within Our App, Site or Game;
User directly uses mobile application interfaces;
Users create, upload and share data/information between each other or otherwise communicate;
User communicates with Owner through Our App, Site or Game and related systems.

5. Disclosure of confidential data/information

Owners reserve the right to disclose User confidential data/information to following persons:
Third parties who are partners of the Owner and shall, therefore, assist in the provision of service (maintaining services, support, hosting, data/information base management, etc.). In this case, the information is disclosed exclusively for the purposes of service provision, and person to whom it is available, undertakes not to disclose or use information outside the scope of this Privacy Policy;
Representatives of public authorities - in order to respond to legally reasonable requests in connection with official procedures, investigations, if the obligation to disclose is required by the current legislation;
Professional advisors (lawyers, auditors, etc.) for the purposes of an independent audit, corporate governance and compliance procedures.

6. User consent

Disclosure, transfer, exchange of confidential information is possible only based on full, expressed and explicit User consent. User has an opportunity at any time to prevent, to stop the transfer, or sharing of confidential information.

7. Storage and data/information Security

Owner undertakes all the necessary and reasonable measures to protect User information from leakage, loss, illegal and unauthorized use. However, User should be aware that Our App, Site or Game is open, can be accessed online, and therefore can potentially be subject to cyber-attacks, viruses, and other similar negative activities. Online access a priori does not guarantee the absolute safety of the App; Our App, Site or Game Users use application at their own risk and Owners do not bear any responsibility for damage / loss raised from the threats to information and cyber security.

The user is also aware that the applicable information security and data/information protection tools cannot guarantee the absolute security of any data/information shared. Owners are not responsible for the actions of third parties, to whom User opens, discloses or otherwise transmits information. Since Our App, Site or Game enables communications globally, User acknowledges and agrees that confidential information may be transferred to the devices that are located in any other country of the world, and with different levels of data/information protection. Using the mobile app, the User acknowledges and agrees to such data/information traffic.

8. Confidential data/information Change

Users have the right at any time to change, update, correct or delete confidential information via Our App, Site or Game. User agrees that after removal of his registration data/information / content - a copy of the data/information can continue to be stored on the server because of the data/information backups for some time. However, the Owner is not obliged to store such data/information after termination of the present Agreement and User is aware and agrees that after termination of the registration his data/information and content will not be saved.

9. Cookies

Cookies-files may be used to monitor the use of Our App, Site or Game and web traffic in order to optimize and improve the service. User is aware and agrees that cookies may collect his certain confidential information, including information about IP-addresses, information on the types of devices and used operating systems, time and frequency of visits.

User can at any time to change the settings of his browser by blocking the ability for automatic use of cookies. The information gathered may be used solely for the purposes of analytics, based on deconfidentialized and anonymized data/information, the results of which will be used in order to optimize the functionality of Our App, Site or Game and to improve the service provided. Blocking of cookies, however, may affect the ability to access to certain functionality of Our App, Site or Game.

10. The procedure for making amendments and additions to the Terms

Owners reserve the right at any time to revoke the terms and conditions of this Agreement, to make changes, additions, without prior User consent or other prior notices.

In case if certain provisions of the present Agreement turn to be invalid or ineffective under the jurisdiction of particular countries, the mentioned does not affect the legal force of the entire Agreement, as well as the validity of some of its provisions in specific jurisdictions. Since consequent changes to the terms of the present Agreement are made, they shall be published on the Platform, where Our App, Site or Game is located, with the appropriate notification on the updating date at the top of the text.

11. The contact details

Site: https://bombartstudio.com
Email: studiobombart@gmail.com

Last updated on April 24, 2022